Government House Gardens
Good morning and/or afternoon. I hope the day is treating you fine. Another stunning day on the southern tip of Vancouver Island. I really do feel fortunate to be living in such a beautiful part of world. It seems when you turn on the news it’s either drought this or bomb that; if I were to turn it all off and step outside my door things seem pretty calm and smiley in good old Victoria B.C.
It’s been an incredible season for gardening this year. I hate to be one of those people who always opens up their conversations with talk of sunshine and/or hey how bout that weather but alas I’m a closet meteorologist. When one finds themselves working outside day in and day out it’s easy to take notice. Blessed is to have an office outdoors. Today I got some quality garden moments, first a stroll through government house then a little relaxation in the back. Let’s take a look at what caught my eye today.
A perfect stop to slow things down and take it all in. Mix mediterranean with a gary oak meadow.
Perovskia atriplicifolia growing on a dry rockface oceanside view.
It seems the Thistles were looking their best, so many different types were in bloom. A very large Eryngium agavifolium.
Caught the echinops just starting to open.
I’m a real fan of giant kniphofia (red hot pokers)
A large Agave parryi that survived two -16C cold snaps this winter exposed and wet. No big deal, nice job agave. Below an ornamental oregano; Origanum ‘Kent Beauty’.
It’s always seemed to me Crinum’s were too tropical to be hardy in Victoria but fool me not these come back every season.
Crinum powellii is a showy bulb from South Africa related to Christmas amaryllis. My only experience with growing these is at the greenhouse but testimonials seem to say they are easy to grow in the garden. Two tips for the wise, they hate being disturbed once planted and are sometimes victim to slugs as the first leaves emerge. Keep your eyes open during early spring when fresh bulbs and bare rooted plants are being sold.
I’ve admired this digitalis the last few times I’ve visited Government House. This one is new to me. Could it be Digitalis parviflora?
Government House Victoria B.C. Centrally located and an easy place to find some serenity.
P.S. I need some ideas for gardening topics to write about. Have you had something you wanted to know, let’s find out together.
Happy Easter Weekend Everybody!
I love when it rains all week and get’s sunny right in time for the weekend, it’s hard not to feel lucky. Spring is in the air, the cherry blossoms are out in full force and it’s a good time to be a gardener. While it still seems early there is no shortage of garden interest, it’s nice to have a long weekend to sit back and take it all in. Yesterday afternoon I took a stroll around Government House gardens to see what was in bloom. What a pleasure it is to wonder about the open gardens, the sprawling beds full of blooming perennials and old growth specimen trees is a delight to the senses. Birds sang their spring song, the sun shone and a true sense of tranquility was the predominant vibe. I love this time of year.
Victoria is fortunate to have a large amount of old growth flowering cherry trees. Many of the streets are lined with these ethereal fluffy wonders, nothing says spring like cherry blossoms.
Everywhere in town, this way and that, flowering cherry trees are a sight to be seen.
April is primula month, Government House had a nice variety of hardy specimens.
Primula denticulata alba were in full bloom.
Throughout the Government House grounds is intermixed Gary Oak. Beyond the garden there is an equal sized Gary Oak Meadow, one of the rarest natural ecosystems in Canada. It’s nice to have one right in the center of Victoria. Leafless I love the fractal of branches.
I also spotted a magnolia tree with blooms bigger then my head. Magnolias are marketing geniuses, I think I may need one of these one day.
This may be my favorite stage of polygonatum. The dabbled lighting added to the effect.
I’m not the only one who enjoys these strange spring shoots. After taking this photo I noticed this little guy, circled above.
A little bug no bigger then a grain of salt admired the view from what would seem like the top of a skyscraper comparatively.
This photo of daffodils and hellebores seems to describe spring just right.
Hope everyone is enjoying their Easter Weekend, It’s only half over and I’ve already banked 10 hours in the garden, how about you?