Exotic Gardening with Rare and Strange Plants

caudex plants

In hopes of better recording the madness of this plant collecting dream I hope to post the odd specimen photo as to keep a digital inventory and catalog of what I have in my greedy little plant hands.

About a month and a half ago I uploaded a picture of my Cyphostemma juttae. While the plant was surviving quite well, it wasn’t exactly thriving. While I had read online that these plants can be sensitive to over-watering I had been treating it much like any other cacti in my collection. Upon closer inspection the pot almost always dried out after a day or two after watering, this told me that the plant was much thirstier then the Internet had led me to believe. Since then I started watering a lot more regularily, in turn the plant has rewarded me with more growth in one month then I’ve seen in the entire time I’ve owned the plant.

The lesson? Cyphostemma juttae enjoys a fair amount of water during it’s growing season. To be safe let it dry out before giving it another drink, but don’t be surprised if you top it up more then a couple times a week. So far it seems to be enjoying the wet stuff.

Cyphostemma juttae caudex

Mr Nat. Gardener, Plant Nerd
Tips and tales about gardening in one of the most mild climates in Canada. Specializing in rare and strange plants from far out destinations, this is the story of an obsessed young gardener in Victoria B.C. Let's create more tropical gardens in the garden city on the southern tip of Vancouver Island.