Truth be told my writing has been sporadic as of late. For those of you who still visit, thanks for not giving up on me. I have dreams of pushing this whole plant thing to the next level but the deeper I go, the bigger the workload. No pain, no gain right. Broken back or 3 coffees in the morning, the real story is I enjoy every minute of it.
An exciting thing happened a couple weeks ago, the lovely Karen Elgersma from Channel 4 – Shaw TV contacted me about doing a little TV segment about indoor plants. Initially I was nervous but as we got rolling I think I got the hang of it. It was a rainy day at the greenhouse and we spent a couple hours talking about plants. Thanks again to Karen and Jen for the great opportunity, I had a great time!
Thanks Jeff!
Nice blog, Nat. And congrats on the TV appearance! Two green thumbs up.
Great job on the video! I’ve been following your plant blog for over a year now and have always enjoyed your posts, and what a cutie you are! Keep up the good work.
Wow – you’re famous and I didn’t know! Way to go Nat! Great job. (I love the scent of night flowering phlox too). Dave
Ok you have some awesome plants, was that a Begonia luxurians I spied?
A friend told me about your site so I popped in to take a peek. You passion for plants is delightful! If you ever get to Brisbane, Australia let me know – there’s plenty of intriguing and rare plants I think you’d love to see.
WOW how cool is that
U Tube It !!!
Thanks for the encouragement everybody, you’re all so kind.
Re:Loree: The plants in the intereview are a combined collection of mine and a friend who is helping me build this green palace. Absolutely buried in plants as of late, what fun.
With all your plant knowledge, you definitely need your own show…and you’re handsome, too! Make sure it goes nationwide (especially for us fans in Ontario) and remember the little people who followed your blog 🙂
Way cool! Everyone else is right, you’re a natural! And we can all say that we knew you when…
Yep I agree with the others, I see a TV future for you. Especially when you can just roll the botanical Latin like you do.
So how many of those plants were yours vs. the nurseries?
You were great! a natural! you need your own show!
This is fantastic Nat! Your enthusiasm for plants is infectious and you can tell just by watching the video. Who knows, this could be the start of a tv career 😉
You look good on camera. You sure have a nice variety of plants in your greenhouse – would love to get my hands on a joshua tree, any clue where I would find one ?