Garden Art
In idle moments I’m often caught day dreaming. Ideas take time to manifest themselves into reality. An art piece might only have taken 30 minutes but a lifetime to dream of. For those with a keen eye and an artist’s soul plant’s are an endless source of inspiration. We want to photograph them, paint them, draw them, and be around them. Plants are living art, and what’s better, they grow and change.
The other afternoon an art attack miraculously happened. I had dreamt up the technique months ago but never put it into action. I’m probably not the first, but certainly not the last, art made with flowers? A temporary gratification of the senses, I darted about the garden collecting my palette. To think in a late summer garden there was still so much in bloom, I had no shortage of supplies. Art made with flowers what a novel idea.
Bet you can’t name them all?
There are so many strange shapes and sizes. Brilliant fades, textures and forms. I thought to myself why would I paint these, when I could arrange them all the same. This art is a bit time sensitive, as noticeable lack luster sets in quickly as the flowers sit lifeless. In a hurry I managed to snap some interesting photographs.
After enjoying this piece for a while I decided to take one more go at it via H20. The results were promising.
I encourage all of you plant geeks to give it a go, art therapy is good for the soul. Get creative, unwind and be free.
My first week back at work has come and gone and so far so good. I’ve pulled more flats of primulas this week then any one man should ever have to. Of course this is an expected meditation that one becomes blind to after being in the greenhouse trade for a while. If it isn’t primulas, it’s pansys, or marigolds.. Potato.. tomato… The life of a green thumb.
Anyhow onto more relaxing occasions. I visited a friend and coworker of mine out in metchosin today. While his garden is usually bursting with life, like my own garden most of everything is asleep. A favorite bed of mine is his Dinosaur park, a large concrete above ground bed filled with sedums, creeping thyme and miniature dinosaurs. Mix in a couple of patches of sempervivums (hens and chicks) and you have an all year round Micro Jurassic Park. I snapped a couple photos with my Iphone.